w Andrea, My First Client Referral – Larry Davidson Photography
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Andrea, My First Client Referral

This lovely lady was my first client referral. Andrea was looking for a photographer when she came across my portfolio. She said that she liked my images and saw a friend of hers in my portfolio. She contacted her friend who highly referred me so she sent me an email.

All of our correspondence was through email, which was not the way I normally operated. I much prefer a meet and greet, but after a couple of emails, we were both confident that we could pull off a session.

Andrea was thinking about starting an online modeling portfolio and was interested in professional images for it. She had been doing her homework and pretty much knew the type and style of images she needed. She also was interested in something sexy for her boyfriend. With Christmas just a couple of weeks away, she wanted to toss in a few images for the holiday.

The session with Andrea was fun, productive, and much longer than usual. I generally like to keep sessions around an hour to an hour and a half. Believe it or not, a good session is more work than most people think. I find that most people are tired and the quality starts going down after an hour and a half. However, this girl was full of energy and excitement. We went for almost 4 hours and I’m not afraid to admit that I was tired!

Andrea knew that the most valuable image a model can have in a portfolio is a good clean headshot without makeup and post-editing. So that’s where we started and a few other basic images to give her portfolio the essentials. Things like casual dress, sportswear, and bikini so potential clients see what she looks like and her body shape.

With the basics complete we worked on a few really good portrait and glamour headshots. The Christmas theme and then some sexy images for the boyfriend. Andrea was very much enjoying the session and thought she might want to add some implied nude also. There were a couple of ideas that I wanted to try with the implied nudes and so I explained those concepts to her and she was all in. Those concepts are the last 2 images in this post. There is also one of her bikini images that I tried some PhotoShop editing to make it feel like she was on the beach at sunrise.

Normally for this many images, I have been splitting them into 2 posts. However, I feel that to show the work we put in on this session one post is more appropriate. We hope you enjoy the images from our fantastic session.

Photographically yours,

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