Home Model Mentorship

Model Mentorship

I am currently seeking someone who is interested in working with me in a model mentorship program. The person I’m looking for must be willing to work for TFCD once a month for a period of 6 to 12 months to build a model portfolio.

If you are new to modeling or have very little experience, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me if you’re interested. I am not looking for a person who has been working as a model and feels as though they are very experienced. However, if you have done a couple of Model Mayhem shoots and now you want to learn more about modeling, hit me.

So far, I’ve been pretty vague about the person I’ve been looking to work with. I’m interested in your attitude, willingness to see the project through, collaborating on sessions, having fun working together, and creating some really awesome images. Those things are more important than your physical appearance.

What are the benefits of us working together for “FREE” you may ask? First of all, you will get some really sweet images. Most of the photographers on sites like Model Mayhem don’t know how to pose and direct a model. I am used to working with people who have little or no experience in front of a camera. I know how to make you feel at ease, how and when to give direction, and how to make photo sessions fun. You’ll get someone who can actually help you with a good starter portfolio and insight into modeling if you are interested in giving modeling a real shot. In return, I get a muse. Someone to bounce ideas off of, work on new concepts, and create new images.

Good photography requires planning. So besides just doing photo sessions together, we will need to plan out the sessions. We will decide on a concept, wardrobe, location, time, and goals going into the session. We can do these things via email, text message, zoom, phone, or in person. Your actual time for planning and session will generally be 2 to 4 hours a month. Another advantage to planning the sessions is you will know ahead of time exactly what we are going to do. It’s also a time to bounce ideas off each other. We both must be open-minded and approach each session in order to help each other accomplish our image needs and goals.

Your safety and comfort level is our priority. When you feel safe and comfortable with the person you’re working with and the environment it shows in the final images. You will always be allowed to have a friend or someone you trust at any sessions or meetings. I will never have an assistant present unless we agree on it beforehand. Also, be aware that I may bring up an idea or concept that you may not feel comfortable doing. You will never be required to do anything outside of your comfort zone. Just be open and upfront with me and we’ll find a concept you are comfortable in doing.

I highly recommend that before anything else we meet up in person. Preferably at a public place close to each of us. This is a good chance to have an icebreaker, just a chance to know each other before making any commitments to the project. It’s also a good time to back out for any reason without investing your time and efforts.

After all this, if you’re interested just click this link and pop over to the contact page. Give me your information and for the Subject choose Model Portfolio / TFCD Model and click the Submit button. I’ll be sure to get back to you.

Photographically yours,


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